There is more fallout floating to the surface pointing to the internal strife in the Green Party of Canada in the wake of the recent federal election. For the full story, see: Green Party 'clearly unprepared' for campaign: May.
Could Ms. May be preparing the way for her exit from the GPC by blaming the 'underlings' for the party's internal meltdown? It is amazing how the finger of blame points in all directions except possibly in the one direction that really matters.
In the CTV story, Ms. May is quoted as saying: 'I intend to remain as leader of the Green party. My personal popularity with the Canadian electorate is something, speaking as objectively as possible, that the Green party needs. I did not become leader of this party to quit and, in so doing, watch it decline.'
Aside from what one may see as being blind vanity, the reverse psychology of the statement is apparent. Shortly after the election it was reported that Ms. May was going through the GPC's constitution with a fine-tooth comb to secure her position. Critics of the GPC can stand and cheer. With Ms. May at the helm, the internal turmoil can only increase.
Look for the fawning members of the fledgling GPNS to clamber to the rescue at the GPC's policy convention in Pictou in February. The squawks are all too audible that the local neophytes are being played like an old fiddle. The delegate knives that are out will be conveniently held at bay by a combination of location and timing.
Who knows? Within a year or two the Feminist Party of Canada may finally come out of the closet and break from the GPC to become an even more insignificant national rump.
1 week ago
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