The Green Party of Canada is bleeding like a stuck pig. Since the results of the party’s disastrously lead federal election campaign, signs of internal strife are overwhelming: disgruntled candidates voicing betrayal by Elizabeth May, the GPC leader; blogs popping up on the internet calling for Ms. May’s resignation; an insurmountable debt load due to political mismanagement; one of two GPC Deputy Leader’s, Claude Genest, openly admitting that the GPC was had by the Liberals with the Dion-May political flirtation and, most recently; over the week-end a past GPC leadership candidate and deputy leader, David Chernushenko, resigning from the party due to Ms. May’s “autocratic approach.”
If Ms. May’s leadership has finally brought to public visibility an internal strife and programmed internal inequalities via the pursuit of a questionable and dated feminist philosophy, remains to be seen. If so, then the evolution of the crisis may be linked back to the ludicrous 1988 proposal by the British Columbia Greens to field only female candidates. To this day, all Green parties endorse an internal authoritarian and condescending affirmative action which, to the naïve addresses gender inequalities, while to the mature smacks of non-democratic inefficiency by thwarting the best talent (be that talent female or male), for the sake of protecting the baggage of a tired and spent ideology. A mommy-dearest matriarchate is not exactly the pinnacle of gender equality. The useless bleating of politically correct victims is a far cry from assuming amazon integrity and self accountability. It is not the responsibility of a political party to succor needy waifs of either gender.
The electoral catastrophe may introduce the necessary purge to finally put the GPC, as an eco-political Frankenstein, out of its misery. The party’s misguided philosophical ownership of leviathan bigness by virtue of endorsing the Liberal’s national Green Shift and the party’s false promises to the public to avert the social hurt of a spiraling ecological meltdown are exposed for all to see. What becomes evident is that the GPC lie to the public is the most hypocritical, the most opportunistic and the most sinister of all political lies.
By the mere virtue of its federalist, centralist, myopic and nanny-state policies, the GPC has set eco-politics back 20 years. In conjunction with the damage done by Ms. May and her Griberal opportunism, at the very least the setback is now 30 years; at the very worst the GPC, in concert with the World Greens, has been primed to possibly become a Bilderberg patsy.
Eco-politics in Canada, and more importantly in its respective bioregions, have now come full circle. Philosophically we are at a place just prior to the introduction of eco-politics 30 years ago, yet just in advance of a very silent and deadly spring. Rather than pursue the juvenile notion of “saving the world” Greens may finally be ready to mature towards the notion of “safeguarding one’s immediate region.” Between these two political notions there are light years of difference in political perspectives, assumptions, visions, motives and, eventually, actions.
As for Ms. May, she will hopefully be offered a rickety ministry by some outback Anglican parish to provide for her family. That her political career is likely at an end, would seem to be a given. There is not a political party in the country that has a welcome sign hung out for her expertise. The degree of hatred she has publicly shown towards Prime Minister Stephen Harper as a human being, irrespective of the man’s political stance, and done so as a purported Christian has a tendency to deliver its own just karma. Contained in the one are the many. In the end, what is sacred will be revealed as surely as what is profane. That her legacy will be to have sparked the demise through her own “autocratic” vanity of an eco-political pretender and dinosaur seems a just payback. By ultimately freeing up the best and bravest Green minds, the North American secessionist movement owes Ms. May due gratitude.
1 week ago
The Green Party has a long history of electoral success in Europe, with strong representation in countries like Germany, Italy, and Ireland, the party hasn’t made significant inroads in North America.In the 2006 Canadian federal election, the Green Party garnered 660,000 votes, or 4.5 percent of those cast.May has her sights set on a much bigger piece of the pie this time around. She said this week that she hopes to win at least 12 seats in the election. Canadians head to the polls.political scientist David Doherty says that despite the uptick in support, it’s unlikely that the Green Party will achieve a major breakthrough.
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