Yesterday the New Glasgow News (home of Elizabeth May's Central Nova rout) ran a short, front-page story on an exercise carried out by the local police SWAT Team. It was a harmless article in itself, but what struck me was the image presented to the public, especially taking into consideration the context. The context is a pending economic collapse and rural Nova Scotia. I commented in the article's public forum accordingly. Well, didn't that release a mini shit storm! The full exchange of "opinions" is laid out below. Anyone wanting to go to original story, it is
Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Even in the boonies of Nova Scotia are the black-suited Praetorians now given media exposure. Prepare the public mind and its will follows accordingly. Maybe someone can ask Pete MacKay, should he hold as Minister of Defence in the new cabinet, when we can expect the first exchange of Canadian and American ground troops on each other's national soil, as is now entrenched in the military mandate of US NorthCom. Local military families can look forward to their loved ones patrolling the streets in Ohio. Is someone expecting a severe economic depression? A bit of turmoil in the streets perhaps?
Posted 16/10/2008 at 5:29 AM
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Steve from Pictou County, Nova Scotia writes: Mr. Ronin, are you for real? How about talking in lay terms instead of writing some piece of literature intended for PH.Ds. If you are attempting to appeal to the masses, as I assume you are on here, I suggest you take it down a notch. Are you trying to reach the general reader of the News or writing a dissertation? I have a university degree and I find it a stretch to follow your arguments at times. We should not need Coles notes to attempt to explanation what it is you are trying to communicate. I never did care for Shakespeare. I suggest you stop the fear mongering. The idea of having Canadian military troops on U.S. soil is ludicrous, even in desperate economic times should they even materialize. Are you trying to predict the U.S. will be under martial law? Even so, the U.S. is quite capable of policing itself, why would Canadian troops be patrolling the streets of the U.S? I am sure they would not be well received. Was Ohio picked at random? I am not quite ready to accept your argument for the fail of the US Empire, especially when there is no apparent super power to take its place. China? Well, I need not go further than that.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 9:02 AM
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Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Steve, you obviously have a keyboard and monitor in front of you. The Internet and Google search are wonderful tools. You may wish to use them while we, i.e. the public, still can. I treat adults as adults. Out of respect for the Other's integrity, I am loathe to hand holding. You make your bed, I make mine. However, just to point you in a direction (be it right or not is up to you), optional troop exchange by Canadian and American troops on each other's soil is on the books. If you care to, Google US NorthCom. Yes, Ohio was a random selection.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 9:21 AM
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Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Steve re 'Even so, the U.S. is quite capable of policing itself, why would Canadian troops be patrolling the streets of the U.S?' br br At first it was thought that the option for troop exchange was to get around the legalities of posse comitatus, i.e. American troops cannot be used against American citizens. That has since been gutted. As such, and again under the command of US NorthCom, the Iraq-seasoned 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, has been redeployed to secure 'the homeland' in case of 'terrorist' threats. br br I am not fear mongering, merely offering an alternative picture of the world, one that rarely if ever makes the pages of the corporate media, The News inclusive. There are many alternative news sites. I strongly suggest: www.globalresearch.ca
Posted 16/10/2008 at 9:36 AM
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Lee from NS writes: Gee, I thought this was just about a drill and here the world is ending and our police force is practicing on old folks? Wow, what a stretch.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 9:45 AM
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Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Lee: What matters is the image, not the exercise they were doing. Would you want one of these thugs knocking on your door? Or are you, as most people, one of the 'good Germans?'
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:01 AM
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Jack from NG, NS writes: THUGS? SR you have got to be kidding. They are trained to save lives. They are dressed like that for their and your protection. They have no idea how the offender is positioned upstairs (or armed) and are adopting a safe approach. It's obvious from your last comment that if you were the victim you would rather they not show up to save your life or they would be dressed in pink outfits and be holding flowers.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:19 AM
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Tim from PC writes: Sebastian, give your head a shake man. All you are doing is overreacting and spewing off at the gums. You cannot be serious. Thugs?? come on, these are the guys training to stop the thugs. You need to get out more instead of sitting in your house on your computer spewing off crazy conspiracy theroies.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:35 AM
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Tim from PC writes: Also SR, this is standard gear for swat teams. If they were to come to your house they wouldnt be knocking on the door gimme a break. They are training for situations such as hostages or an armed person in the house. What they have on is called protection. Would rather these guys show up in plain clothes and get blown away. Man on Man.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:40 AM
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Just me from NS writes: I want what he had for breakfast today, not one of his posts on any story today makes any sense. This should be a reminder to everyone...Read the labels on all mediaication before taking it.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:46 AM
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Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Jack and Tim: No doubt the men behind the uniforms are good guys. You may know them, they are respected in their communities, you may play a game of pick-up hockey with them every now and then. But always remember this: the state retains the right of force and violence, things that are 'against the law' for you and me. When those uniforms are put on the INDIVIDUAL with whom you may play hockey is out the window. Again, I suggest look at the image. Do you really think that much robocop gear is necessary to take down some grinning wimp who happens to have a grow-op going on in the basement? BTW, I'm out quite a bit. Nice advantage of having a home-based business is that I can jump back and forth from my shop or the wood pile to here.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:50 AM
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Steve from Pictou County, Nova Scotia writes: The last few comments prove my first post - Mr. Ronin is speaking over most people's heads. From what I gathered he viewed the picture featured in this news article and made comments that we better get used to seeing the mean in black/blue uniforms, not in a protective role but in a suppressive role. I believe he is eluding to the world slipping into a severe global depression and Canada and the U.S. being under a police state and martial law. Far fetched I know. He also alluded to 'The good Germans'. I am assuming he is drawing a parallel to the visions of Nazi Germany for the master race to the accumulation of wealth of a few 'The modern day Nazi German' to suppressive the lower classes. In lay terms, I think Mr. Ronin is predicting the fall of the U.S. States Empire. When this happens the low to middle class will attempt a revolution to 'take back the wealth'. A police state/martial law will be enacted to protect those wealthy few 'the good Germans' with military suppressing those of the low to middle class, a Civil War prehaps. He is predicting to get use to seeing men like above in a suppression role, not protecting. Is my interpretation correct Mr. Ronin? These are not my views, just an interpretation of Mr. Ronin's arguments. They are a little far fetched for me to accept and way off topic of this article.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 10:55 AM
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Jack from NG, NS writes: SR I take it you have the magical formula for how much gear is needed per hostage event. I would rather they show up fully prepared and be able to do the job they are trained to do. The reason for the amount of gear is simple. At no time will they know when the threat will escalate or decrease. Also by now you would have figured out that the first officer on scene would have called for this backup as that's what they are trained to do, and yes the gear is what comes with them. Remember if they get hurt, they are of no use to no one including the victim. Safety first!
Posted 16/10/2008 at 11:02 AM
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My Opinion from stupidville, Nova Scotia writes: Mr. Ronin, if the swat team were pictured without appropriate attire wouldn't you be one of the first to comment? They are creating a life like situation, that is the protection they must wear. Would you bust into a house where someone had a little grow op in a tu tu? That person who has the grow op could be protecting themselves/their crops. People who harvest drugs can also have firearms. For that matter anyone can have firearms!
Posted 16/10/2008 at 11:11 AM
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dan from ns writes: ok, ok lets all settle down here and loosen our tin-foil helmets a little.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 11:12 AM
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Wife Rutledge from New Glasgow, Nova Scotia writes: To S Ronin's comments regarding the thugs knocking on your door...my husband is a Police Office and as his wife and the father of my children I take great offense that you would label officers of the law as thugs.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 1:02 PM
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Tim from PC writes: Don't worry Mrs. Rutledge, Mr. Ronin is just a serial ranter. he just types these posts to read his own obscure thoughts. He somehow turned this picture into all of america breaking down and all h ell breaking loose. Don't put much stock into anything this mn has to say.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 1:58 PM
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Jimmie from N.S. writes: S.R., I have seen these guys in action on a tiny little street where there was an attempted murder and I thank God they were there because no one knew where the shooters were. Our street was alot safer when they did arrive!!! I take offense to your comment too! You might need these guys in your neighborhood someday....
Posted 16/10/2008 at 2:23 PM
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Sebastian Ronin from Nova Scotia writes: Okay, everyone, let's chill. Firstly, Steve, you are pretty close. The one thing were you are a tad off is in the understanding of 'good Germans.' It is a term commonly shared amongst historians. It refers to the millions of silent Germans who naively stood by and allowed the rise of Naziism with the common belief of, 'I'm a good German. Why would they harm me?' Wife Rutledge, if you read all of my posts you will have noticed that as individuals the human beings beneath those robocop suits are good guys. I could probably enjoy a cup of coffee with them. But if push comes to shove, they serve the state. As a hypothetical example, if you happened to be a war protester expressing your beliefs at a rally that got out of hand and, if your husband happened to be on duty that day and was called to suppress the protest, you would find yourself on the receiving end of your husband's shield. When wearing that uniform he serves the state, not you, and not your family. Jimmie, no doubt they will be needed in the community some day to restore order. Personally, I foresee some type of militia. The question is: on whose side will they serve and on whose behalf will they restore order. =;-D
Posted 16/10/2008 at 3:15 PM
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Tim from PC writes: My lord Sebastian, give it a rest, what are you going to predict next? Armageddon? Geez man society is not going to crumble like you seem to think it is.
Posted 16/10/2008 at 3:47 PM
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Leigh from Pictou County, Nova Scotia writes: One should send Mr. Ronin on a ride-along with these thugs without gear and then with gear, and see which he prefers. My guess after the first ride-along he would be so quick to call these officers thugs. Thugs usually don't have batons and shields. lol
Posted 16/10/2008 at 5:48 PM
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Leigh from Pictou County, Nova Scotia writes: Sorry, should have read ... would'nt be so quick to...
Posted 16/10/2008 at 5:50 PM
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eb from pei writes: I am totally disgusted by ronins total disrespect of swat officers JR, they risk their lives to save your sorry butt my boyfriend is a swat cop and he thinks you are a MORON!! get a life!! try their shoes on for size you will definetely get a dose of reality biting you in the rear!!!!!
Posted 16/10/2008 at 8:20 PM
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eb from pei writes: I agree with wife rutledge ronin is a vulgur little man and has nothing better to do do than bash our husbands and boyfriends on the force.he doesn/'t know anything about them we do. i hope othe officers families see his nasty bashing so they can go after ronin too .
Posted 16/10/2008 at 8:26 PM
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