(Letter published in The New Glasgow News, January 25, 2008)
The resignation of Green Party of Nova Scotia Leader, Ken McGowan, over accusations of undemocratic and centrist conduct by the GPNS Executive in concert with Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, sheds much-needed light on the internal shortcomings of all Green parties. The sooner the public becomes aware of these serious political liabilities, the better will democracy be served. After all, how one looks after one’s own house is a reflection on how one proposes to look after the neighbour’s property and business.
In time, the public will become more aware of something which may yet be only an irritable scratch on the psyche: that the Green Party of Canada is hell-bent on foisting a feminist agenda onto the Canadian public disguised as ecological concern, much like a thief sneaking in through the back door in the dead of night.
But then, a thief sneaking in through the back door is acceptable politics for Ms. May and her cohort, M. Dion. Just ask the people of Central Nova.
As has been pointed out in previous letters to The News, the Green principles of bioregionalism, decentralization and grassroots democracy have all been abandoned by the Green Party of Canada. Soon all that will be left is a stringent, fish-wife feminism blindly cooed over by a gaggle of obedient eunuchs.
1 week ago
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