The question, "Why do I want to be the Leader of the GPNS?" raises an elusive paradox. When responding to a political obligation, above all others, I believe one does what one “must do” as opposed to what one “wants to do.”
In many ways, I am picking up from where I left off 20 years ago with my resignation from the first Green party founded in the Americas, the Green Party of British Columbia. At the time of my resignation, I sat on the GPBC Executive and was a candidate-elect for the upcoming 1986 provincial election.
It is my belief that:
Ø The liability that the GPNS carries by entering the world of Green politics so late can be inverted to become the Party’s greatest asset.
Ø The GPNS must get back to “Green” basics by embracing the core political doctrines of bioregions and political decentralization.
Ø The GPNS will arrive at political maturity only when the public no longer perceives it to be leftist in nature.
It is in defense of the latter principles and in owning the political potential which they hold that I allow my name to stand for your Leadership.
Should you entrust me with your vote, I shall work diligently in collaboration with the Executive to accomplish the following:
Ø Earn the recognition, respect and trust of the Nova Scotia electorate.
Ø Triple the Party membership.
Ø Work towards winning three to five seats during the next provincial election.
As an exercise in raw democracy, I now leave it up to you, the membership, to put forward a running mate for my candidacy. If no one has stepped forward as a running mate by April 27, 2007, then my nomination evaporates. Should this vision for the future evolution of the GPNS in Atlantica proceed towards a membership vote is now in your hands.
This is the historical era in which we live. We all carry the terrible incentive to see clearly and act accordingly.
Sebastian E. Ronin
Candidate for Leadership
Green Party of Nova Scotia
1 week ago
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