I recently stumbled across an interesting and confusing statement published on the web site of The League of the South. The statement in question is one short paragraph as an addendum to the announcement of The League’s 15th Annual National Conference. The byline to the post is, League Announces 15th Annual National Conference. There is no date attached to the post.
The statement in question reads:
“Additionally, the League announces its participation in the 3rd Annual North American Secessionist Convention, which is scheduled to be held in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina (emphasis mine) sometime this fall. More information about this event will be posted as it becomes available.”
It is common knowledge to those secessionists and secessionist organizations who attended last year’s 2nd Annual North American Secessionist Convention in Chattanooga that the 2008 Convention is slated to be held in Manchester, NH, November 14-16. Like others, I have paid for a flight to Manchester and accordingly reserved accommodation.
It strikes me that The League’s announcement that the location of the 2008 Conference will be in Charleston constitutes more than a simple typo. What gives?
There has been no follow-up announcement by The League, nor has there been offered an explanation by either The League or The Middlebury Institute, the organizing body of the Manchester convention.
Without some kind of official clarification, North American secessionists, in particular, those attendees who have locked into the Manchester convention, are left with only their political imaginations as to what might be going on.
Should this so very obvious contradiction for this year’s convention locations be an indication that there is a split forming in the North American secessionist movement, then the next question that begs to be answered is: Why?
Postscript, 29 August, 2008: It has been clarified for me by The Middlebury Institute that there had been an attempt to hold the 2008 conference in Charleston by a small faction allied with the LOS. This attempt failed, at which point the conference was slotted for Manchester. As of this date, the 2009 conference is slated for Charleston.
It could have been just as easy for the LOS to publicly make this correction and clarification as it was on their web site that the undated Charleston claim first appeared. If insinuations are dangled, then the reasons why they are dangled come into play.
4 days ago